with Information Technology

with Information Technology
What is The Dunham Group?
The Dunham Group works with a select group of senior leaders, senior IT managers, and nonprofit executive directors to drive their success with information technology.
The Dunham Group delivers dramatic improvements in outcomes of IT investments, most often utilizing existing assets and people.
The Dunham Group brings extensive expertise and experience to the manufacturing and nonprofit industries to uncover ‘zero latency’ – a process missing in most ERP and related systems.
The Dunham Group’s definition of Zero latency:
Delivering systems that give your decision makers and staff the information they need, when they need it, in a form they can understand.
Who We Can Help
For Manufacturing Companies
Discover where information technology can help deliver on shorter production cycles, increase revenue, and lower costs!
Working to ensure your production software systems (Purchasing, BOM’s, Work Orders, CNC, CAD/CAM, SPC, Shipping) work together to boost throughput and keep the accountants happy.
Evaluate and then get rid of systems that don’t work or don’t deliver. The most expensive software is the software that doesn’t get used.
Ensuring success of your initiatives using the models of theory of constraints, theory of delays, lean, or agile by strategic integration of information technology.
Evaluate new opportunities for technology donations for both systems and services!
Advise on aligning program goals with your technology resources.
Build an annual IT budgeting process that is accurate, relevant, and straightforward to administer.
Evaluate and then get rid of systems that don’t work or don’t deliver. The most expensive software is the software that doesn’t get used.
Non-technical leaders who are responsible for technology
How to find and hire and keep better technology people!
How to avoid the ‘shiny object trap’ – or paying for technology for technology’s sake.
Create budgeting and procurement systems to match your priorities and expectations, avoid surprises and being ‘held hostage’ to poor technology planning.
Advising on communicating with technical people, how to help them understand what you need.
Build systems to measure information technology ROI.
Build metrics to measure outcomes of technology.
IT Managers
How to build and present budgets and purchase requests that are both understood by non-technical managers and get approved!
How best to develop and grow your current team. ‘Grow your own’ rather than continuing to go after ‘hired guns’. Increase job satisfaction and retention.
How to recruit better team members, diversify your skill sets, and ensure you are getting the best talent you can afford.
How to motivate your team to boost effectiveness and increase employee satisfaction.