How To Build a Reputation of Getting Things Done

How To Build a Reputation of Getting Things Done

Early in my career I was mystified at why some of my colleagues appeared to develop much faster than I did. They had more responsibility, got more promotions, or their businesses grew faster, even their relationships were better! I was mystified as to why. In many...
Two Ways AI Can Hurt Your Business

Two Ways AI Can Hurt Your Business

As a business leader responsible for profits this year, cash flow today, and being in business next year, should you be investing your most important commodity – your time – into AI for your business? During disruptive periods of technology, there is a struggle for...
Lessons from Football

Lessons from Football

It’s football season again. When the “Dog Days’ of summer arrive, I am reminded of my childhood and young adulthood when football changed my life for the better. Late August each year I reported to camp, from high school through college. Seeing football teams...